
Wine News Simonsberg Wine Route Market Day

Simonsberg Wine Route Market Day

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Simonsberg Market-450

More than 20 estates will descend on the Delvera agri-village on Sunday 10 March to share their latest wines and way of life with visitors out to catch the last few days of summer.

Young and old will delight in a fun-filled family day blended with the finest wines  from the Simonsberg Wine Route (a sub-route of the Stellenbosch Wine Route), country food, craft stalls with proudly local produce, horse rides and live music entertainment by Newton & Co. The younger crowd will have barrels of fun in the play corner with go-cart rides; a trampoline; jungle gym, and a snake and reptile show.

Catering for both novices and seasoned wine enthusiasts, The Vineyard Connection has tailor-made four tutored wine classes which will be on offer at the market. These interactive and insightful wine tastings cost R50 per person and pre-bookings are essential. All proceeds will be donated to the Pebbles Project – a non-profit organisation that supports children living in the Winelands. Contact Tel: 021 884 4360 to book your wine class and contribute to a good cause.

The Simonsberg Wine Route Market Day starts at 9am and entry is free. Delvera is situated on the R44 between Stellenbosch and Klapmuts.

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