
Entertainment Art Sing Into My Mouth

Sing Into My Mouth

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Sing Into My Mouth takes as its curatorial lead one established by Tacita Dean in her exhibition, An Aside.

Resisting establishing a clear thematic curatorial framework, Dean embarked on a period of non-linear meanderings, guided by idiosyncratic interests, chance, association and coincidence to a set of works that make up the final whole - a process not unlike that used in her own art production.

Like Dean, Julia Rosa Clark has followed a series of disparate clues and eccentric threads on her unknown route to the final proposition. The culmination is a group exhibition of selected artworks and a free printed booklet - the curator’s anecdotal writing about the works on view.

Sing Into My Mouth includes enquiries into the nature of intimacy, desire, influence, exchange, memory/ false memory, self, autobiography, interpretation, poetics, contingency, dormancy and resurrection.

The works take many forms such as loans from collections, gifts, replicas, proposals, residue and never-seens including selected works by Bridget Baker, Emma Coleman, Sue Clark, Tom Cullberg, Anja de Klerk, Barend de Wet, Peter Eastman, Teboho Edkins, Gus Ferguson, Gimberg & Nerf, Douglas Gimberg, Matthew Hindley, Pieter Hugo, Mandy Lee Jandrell, John Nankin, Sarah Nankin, Cameron Platter, Andrew Putter, Gregg Smith, Doreen Southwood, James Webb, Ed Young.  

Venue: Whatiftheworld, 208 Albert Rd, Woodstock. Tel: (021) 448 1438.
Gallery Hours: Tue - Fri: 10:00am - 4:30pm, Sat 10:00am - 3:00pm
Duration: 5 - 23 May 2009